Vision: Innovative Solutions, Superior Quality Products, and Professional Service Delivery. Mission: Winning with our customers and all other stakeholders; Holistic Human Capital Development & Retention; Technical & Administrative Competence; Individual & Organizational Accountability; Ethical & Inclusive Management Practices; Progressive & Transformational Leadership.
Aside from padding, there are two other items of football equipment that help keep a player's lower body safe during the game. One is a men's athletic cup, which can be purchased as a separate item, or as part of a girdle system, with room for the cup built in. The other is footwear. Having shoes with proper cleats helps a player keep a solid grip on the field and prevents tripping. Know more click: Football Gloves, Footbal Facemasks, Football Shoulder Pads.
Aside from padding, there are two other items of football equipment that help keep a player's lower body safe during the game. One is a men's athletic cup, which can be purchased as a separate item, or as part of a girdle system, with room for the cup built in. The other is footwear. Having shoes with proper cleats helps a player keep a solid grip on the field and prevents tripping. Know more click: Football Gloves, Footbal Facemasks, Football Shoulder Pads.