“What is Your Purpose? We call have a unique gift and were put on this earth to share it. What is yours? The first step toward unlocking your purpose is to mine your life story for major threads and themes that reveal your lifelong gifts, passions, and values. Next, create a clear purpose statement that energizes you to get up each morning with intention and joy. The words in your purpose statement must be yours. They must capture your essence. And they must call you to action each and every day. You must envision the impact you’ll have on your world as a result of living your purpose. Your actions - not your words - are, ultimately, what truly matters”; Richard Leider, The Power of Purpose - Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better.
My LIFE PURPOSE (Sam Tsima) is to partner with people in their Continuous Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) journey to attain their greatness through diverse interventions ranging from human capital development, management & leadership development, coaching, mentoring, consulting, advisory, advocacy, technical training & development, facilitation, networking, association, support, to information sharing, augmented by broadcasting (COMETSA
Club Radio Africa, www.cometsaclubradio.africa ), podcasting (COMETSA Business Connect https://anchor.fm/sam-tsima, COMETSA Mafrika Platform https://www.spreaker.com/show/sam-tsimas-show, and Sam Tsima Coaching https://www.spreaker.com/show/cometsa-professional-coaching-programme ), blogging (COMETSA Group http://cometsagroup.blogspot.com/ and Sam Tsima Network http://samtsima.blogspot.com/ ), websites ( www.Cometsa-GoC.Com , www.SamTsima.Com
, www.CometsaClub.Africa , , www.CometsaDevelopment.Com , www.Online.Cometsa-GoC.com , www.CometsaClubRadio.Africa ) and social media platforms: COMETSA (https://www.facebook.com/cometsagoc/ ; https://www.facebook.com/CometsaClub/ ; https://twitter.com/cometsagoc ; https://twitter.com/samtsima ; https://www.linkedin.com/company/cometsa-group/ ) ; Sam Tsima (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-tsima-a92444a/ ; https://twitter.com/samtsima ; https://www.facebook.com/sam.tsima ; https://www.youtube.com/user/samtsima ; https://www.instagram.com/samtsima/ ; https://www.xing.com/profile/Sam_Tsima )
Open Invitation: This is my Open Invitation to the like-minded people to follow my platforms, connect and with me, and contribute to the realization of my Life Purpose. I am convinced that in pursuing our life purposes, we make significant contribution to the fellow human beings, society, communities, and humanity at large.
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